Don’t Let Spiders Spin a Web of Fear: Trust Our Pest Control Experts

Spider Webs

Don’t Let Spiders Spin a Web of Fear: Trust Our Pest Control Experts.   Are Spiders taking over your home? An Essential Home Protection Plan includes service for spiders and will help keep these uninvited guests out of your living spaces.

Calling a professional pest control company for spider control is crucial to maintain a safe and comfortable living environment. While some spiders are harmless, others can pose serious risks, especially if they are venomous or abundant in numbers. Trained pest control experts have the knowledge and expertise to accurately identify spider species, assess the extent of infestation, and implement targeted solutions to eradicate them effectively. DIY approaches often fall short in addressing the root cause of the problem, leading to recurring issues. By enlisting the services of a pest control company, you can benefit from their specialized equipment, tailored treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring to ensure long-term spider prevention. Protect your home and loved ones by placing the task of spider control in the hands of professionals who can deliver reliable and efficient results.

Included in the Essentials Home Protection plan is spiders and knocking down their webs. Believe it or not this actually makes a huge difference with control. It takes a great deal of energy to make and spin webs and by knocking down their homes it encourages them to go elsewhere.

Call or book online today.

Sneaky Termites

Termite Activity

Termite activity can be very unassuming. If you are finding mud-like substance like this around your windows, light switches, baseboards and sometimes right in the middle of the wall, be sure to get it checked out. Termites are very cryptic insects and cost billions in damages every year. This little bit of bud tubes winding around the window frame is enough concern that an exterminator should be called in to inspect.

March is Carpenter Ant Month

carpenter ants

Carpenter ants are making their way around our yards and soon will be in our homes. March is the month of the carpenter ant. Get set up today with a Home Protection Plan to keep these little buggas from ruining your picnics. Call today or go on home to book an Essential Home Protection Plan. (860) 454-4004 or (413) 514-BUGS

Spring Special Save $99

Spring 2022 Special

Sign up for a Home Protection Plan today and save $99 on the 1st service. Normally $199, now only $100 to get started with an Essentials Protection Plan. Then only $50/month thereafter. Includes protection against Ants, Bees, Wasps, Mice and more. Includes (4) treatments a year with a back-to-back warranty.

Plant 5k Trees

Help Us Plant 5,000 Trees in 2022

News & Information Center Home /News Recent Posts Plant 5k TreesFebruary 28, 2022 Mice keeping you awake at night?February 10, 2022 Roach TipsFebruary 3, 2022 Help us plant 5,000 trees in 2022 by using our services. Every service plants a tree. It’s a win win! News & Information Center Home /News Plant 5k Trees February… Continue reading Plant 5k Trees

Mice keeping you awake at night?

Mice keeping you awake at night?

Hearing noises when you are trying to sleep? Are mice keeping you awake at night? It’s time to call professional exterminators to eliminate the pitter patter of mice in your attic, and other areas too. Mice are not just noise makers, they cause more harm than their annoying noise pollution. Mice are constantly urinating and defecating where ever they go. This can cause all sorts of health problems including asthma flare ups and flu-like symptoms from being in contact with surfaces they frequented. They transmit diseases and bacteria and can be a problem for sensitive individuals. Mice are literally getting smarter every year. The same old wood snap traps in the middle of floor are not enough to remove an infestation. You need to attack the problem on several fronts. This includes the exterior and checking for entry ways such as penetrations create from pipes, electrical and bad construction. Control involves constant inspection and often treatment. To seal a house up 100% and thinking you can prevent mice once and for all is a bit unrealistic. Sure, there maybe situations and homes that respond better than others but getting on a recurring program is the best peace-of-you mind you can get to ensure control is efficient and continuous. Call or book online today to start your service for mice and other pests too. Our home Protection Plans include several other very common home invaders. Set it, forget it, let us handle it.

Roach Tips

German Cockroach Tips

News & Information Center Home /News Recent Posts Roach TipsFebruary 3, 2022 Hungry Mice eat plasticJanuary 27, 2022 Tell Tale Signs of MiceJanuary 12, 2022 Categories Uncategorized Promotions Pest Info Sign up today for pest control services! Give us a call or send us an email to get protection against pests for your family, pets,… Continue reading Roach Tips

Tell Tale Signs of Mice

Mice Burrowing

Some tell tale signs that you have rodents in your attic. In these examples you can see burrowing or tunneling from mice in the insulation (marked in blue) and also mice fecal droppings (yellow). Call us today to learn more about rodent control programs and fecal clean up services. We also can remove and replace attic insulation.

Rodents and Stone Foundations

Rodent Burrow

A couple of signs that you may have a rodent problem. This kind of burrow is very common in homes with a stone foundation. This happens to be from rats, but mice burrowing looks very similar. Mice and rats use the stone foundation as the perfect home. They easily can make a home within and remain fairly well protected. Foundations like these let in more than mice or rats. They also allow entry for insects, snakes and moisture. Parging or cementing the walls is going to give you a barrier from these pests.