Wasps make a nest around a bird house… Wasp-house. This is not something you see everyday. I doubt the wasps are living harmoniously with the prevent owners of this bird home. Talk about a secure location for the wasps!
Tag: bees
Woodpecker Wasp Nest (video)
An old woodpecker hole has made the perfect opportunity for wasps to make a nest. These wasps are not too happy that I was there to evict them! It may not be the 1st of the month but rent is due and you are out of here! Bye bye wasps.
Hidden Wasp Nest Exterminated in 6x Speed
Watch as this hidden wasp nest is exterminated. Wasps have built a nest inside a gap along the gutters and facia board. Take care this time of year as nests begin to get big and wasps become increasingly aggressive.
Hornet’s Nest Exterminated
Click here to watch this hornet’s nest get treated and removed from a customer’s home.
Home Improvements and pest prevention
Our renewal license just came in! Another year of helping in more ways than only applying pesticides. With this we can make improvements to homes to prevent pests as well replace the things they break!
Quit greasing up my walls mice!
These dirty spots are “rub marks” left behind from rodents, in this case it was mice. The oil from the rodent’s fur will rub off on the surfaces they frequently travel and squeeze thru. Over time it leaves this residue that can often be mistaken as dirt, water or some other stain. When you know what to look for then the big picture becomes more clear on how rodents are traveling and getting inside your structure.
Wasp Lays Eggs On Grubs
The Five-Banded Tiphiid Wasp. This odd looking wasp likes to lay it’s eggs on the backs of scarab grubs. They lay a single egg which once hatches begins feeding on the grub host. #natureiscary
Watch – Wasp nest in wall gets exterminated
Watch up close how a wasp nest inside of a wall gets exterminated.
Common Pest Questions
Here are a few of the most common pest control questions I receive everyday.
Carpenter Bee Season
It’s that time of year when the carpenter bees are a-buzzing. You’ve probably noticed the big robust bees swooping, bobbing and weaving around your soffits and decks. These bees, specifically the females will drill (chew) into the wood to hollow out galleries for nest making. These bees can create a mess with their excavating. You may see their “spit” all over the side of the house next to the holes they bore. If carpenter bees are bothering you give us a call today!