Keep Mice Out Of Your Shed

Keep mice out of your shed

Your shed is more than just a storage space. It houses your valuable tools, gardening equipment, and cherished belongings. However, one tiny intruder, such as a mouse, can quickly turn your shed into a haven for pests. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of keeping mice out of your shed and how hiring a professional pest control company can help you maintain a pest-free environment.


Protect Your Belongings:

Mice may seem harmless, but they can cause extensive damage to your shed and its contents. These furry critters have a knack for chewing through wires, insulation, and even wooden structures. By keeping mice out of your shed, you safeguard your belongings from costly repairs or replacements.


Prevent Health Risks:

Mice are carriers of various diseases and pathogens that can pose serious health risks to you and your family. Their droppings and urine can contaminate surfaces and the air, potentially leading to respiratory issues and allergies. By taking proactive measures to keep mice away from your shed, you reduce the risk of these health hazards.


Avoid Structural Damage:

As mentioned earlier, mice are notorious chewers. They can gnaw through insulation, cardboard, and other materials, compromising the structural integrity of your shed. Over time, this damage can weaken the shed’s foundation, making it more susceptible to water leaks, rot, and collapse. By ensuring a mouse-free environment, you preserve the longevity of your shed.


Maintain Neatness and Organization:

A shed infested with mice can quickly become cluttered and chaotic. These critters tend to nest in piles of debris, creating a mess and making it difficult to access your belongings. By keeping mice out, you promote a clean and organized shed, allowing for easier navigation and better storage of your items.


Professional Pest Control Services:

Hiring a reputable pest control company can be a game-changer in your battle against mice infestations. These professionals have the expertise, knowledge, and tools to effectively eliminate mice and prevent their return. They can conduct thorough inspections, identify potential entry points, and implement tailored solutions to keep your shed pest-free.


Customized Prevention Strategies:

Pest control experts don’t just eliminate existing infestations; they also develop personalized prevention strategies. They may recommend sealing cracks and gaps, installing rodent-proof barriers, or implementing bait stations to deter mice from entering your shed. These preventive measures ensure long-term protection and peace of mind.


Your shed is a valuable asset, and keeping it free from mice is essential for maintaining its integrity and functionality. By hiring a professional pest control company, you can address existing infestations, prevent future problems, and enjoy a clean, organized, and pest-free shed. Don’t let mice undermine the safety and functionality of your storage space—take action today and protect your shed from these unwanted intruders.

Keep Flying Squirrels Out: Effective Exclusion Methods

Flying Squirrel Exclusion

Flying squirrels have made their way into this attic by chewing into the sill plate for the gable vent.  The hardware cloth was not covering well enough and the squirrels exposed that weakness.  We removed and replaced the bottom sill and then secured hardware cloth to the new piece.  Now the squirrels would have to chew thru metal to get inside.

Flying squirrels belong to the family Sciuridae, and contrary to their name, they are not true flyers but are remarkable gliders. There are around 50 species of flying squirrels found worldwide, distributed across Asia, Europe, and North America. Among them, the northern and southern flying squirrels are the most commonly known.

The most distinctive feature of flying squirrels is their patagium, a specialized membrane of skin that extends between their forelimbs and hindlimbs. This patagium acts as a parachute, allowing them to glide effortlessly through the air. When they stretch their limbs out, the patagium expands, creating a larger surface area to catch air currents.

Flying squirrels are predominantly nocturnal creatures, well adapted to their nighttime habitat. They possess large, forward-facing eyes that enhance their depth perception and night vision. Their keen eyesight enables them to spot potential predators and navigate through dense forests in the dark.

These agile gliders make their homes in a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, and sometimes even urban areas. Their diet primarily consists of nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, and tree sap. They have sharp incisors that help them gnaw through hard shells and bark to access their preferred food sources.

Flying squirrels are generally solitary animals, but some species exhibit social behavior and live in small groups. They communicate through vocalizations, scent marking, and visual displays. Breeding season varies among different species, but typically occurs during spring or summer. Female flying squirrels give birth to litters of two to five young ones, which are blind and hairless at birth.

Preventing squirrels from entering your home is crucial for several reasons. While squirrels may appear cute and harmless, their presence inside residential spaces can lead to various problems and potential hazards. Here are some key reasons why it is important to keep squirrels out of your home:

Property Damage: Squirrels have strong and sharp teeth that they use for gnawing. Once inside your home, they can cause significant damage to electrical wiring, insulation, wooden structures, and personal belongings. Chewed wires can pose a fire hazard, and structural damage can compromise the integrity of your home.

Nesting and Chewing Habits: Squirrels are known to create nests within attics, crawlspaces, and wall voids. They will tear up insulation, shred materials, and use these items to build their nests. Their constant chewing can lead to costly repairs and potential safety hazards.

Health Risks: Squirrels can carry various parasites, including fleas, ticks, and mites, which can transmit diseases to humans and pets. Their droppings can also contaminate the environment with bacteria and fungi, potentially causing respiratory issues and other health problems.

Noise and Disturbance: Once inside your home, squirrels can be noisy, especially during their active periods, which can disrupt your sleep and daily routines. Their scratching, running, and gnawing sounds can be quite bothersome.

Increased Pest Activity: Squirrels can attract other pests such as rats and mice, as they leave behind food debris and create entry points that these smaller pests can exploit. This can lead to infestations and further property damage.

Home Improvements and pest prevention

Home Improvements and pest prevention

Our renewal license just came in! Another year of helping in more ways than only applying pesticides. With this we can make improvements to homes to prevent pests as well replace the things they break!

Squirrels Cause Big Problems

Eastern Grey Squirrel - Verdant Pest Control

Hearing noises in that attic? It might be Squirrels. They can weigh up to 1.5lbs and can cause massive damage to structures by chewing. They will gnaw threw walls to make dens and have been known to cause electrical fires from chewing on wires. Schedule a no-charge inspection if you’re hearing noises.

Fixing gaps to prevent mice…

gap in foundation

Gaps like this one around a dryer vent hose in the basement need to be sealed properly to prevent mice from entering the structure. This gap is so large you can feel a heavy air current coming thru the foundation. This is the first step to preventing your home from getting infested with mice or other pests. Exclusion for mice is a service we offer and works well when paired with a rodent maintenance plan. Call or go online today to schedule a no charge general pest inspection.