100 More Trees Planted!

Verdant Pest Control plants one tree with every service completed!

Verdant Pest Control is not just about eliminating pests… it’s also committed to nurturing the environment. With every service completed, we plant a tree, contributing to reforestation efforts and offsetting carbon emissions. Our eco-friendly approach not only ensures a pest-free environment for our clients but also fosters sustainability for future generations. Choose Verdant Pest Control for effective pest management that goes beyond the conventional, making a positive impact on both your property and the planet.

Rats in secret tunnel underground

Rats are living in this tunnel underneath the streets of a major city. We had to create a door that would keep rats from coming out of the tunnels and into the establishment. This is why I love pest control…because of the things you get to see that most will never have the opportunity to observe. These service tunnels keep sewers, steam pipes, electrical and I bet a whole lot of secrets. We don’t build them this intricate anymore!

Roach Repeller…LOL

Sonic devices, which claim to repel pests like roaches through emitting high-frequency sound waves, have faced skepticism and limited success in practical application. While the theory behind these devices suggests that ultrasonic frequencies disturb pests and drive them away, several factors contribute to their inefficacy. Firstly, the effectiveness of such devices is hindered by the ability of pests, particularly roaches, to adapt to changes in their environment. Roaches may quickly become immune to the constant sonic stimuli, rendering the devices ineffective over time. Additionally, the limited range and penetration of the sound waves may not reach all areas where roaches hide, allowing them to remain unaffected. Scientific studies on the efficacy of these devices have yielded inconsistent results, further casting doubt on their reliability. Ultimately, a multifaceted approach involving proper sanitation, sealing entry points, and targeted pest control measures is generally more successful in managing roach infestations than relying solely on sonic devices.

Stop Termite Damage: Expert Pest Control

Swarming termites

Subterranean termites are destructive pests that can cause significant damage to homes and structures. Here are some reasons why they are detrimental and why homeowners should consider pest control services to combat these pests:

Property Damage: Subterranean termites feed on cellulose material, which includes wood found in the structure of homes. They can chew through wooden beams, flooring, and even furniture, leading to severe structural damage. If left untreated, termite infestations can weaken the integrity of a building, compromising its safety and value.

Costly Repairs: Repairing termite damage can be a costly endeavor. The longer an infestation goes unnoticed or untreated, the more extensive and expensive the repairs become. Pest control services can help detect and eliminate termite colonies early on, preventing costly damage and the need for extensive renovations.

Silent Invaders: Subterranean termites are often referred to as “silent destroyers” because they can go unnoticed for extended periods. They build their nests underground and travel through mud tubes to access above-ground food sources. By the time homeowners become aware of their presence, significant damage may have already occurred. Regular pest control services can include termite inspections, ensuring early detection and prompt treatment.

Long-Term Protection: Pest control services offer long-term protection against subterranean termites. They employ various methods, such as liquid barrier treatments and baiting systems, to create a protective barrier around the home. These preventive measures can deter termites from approaching the structure and provide ongoing monitoring to catch any signs of reinfestation.

Professional Expertise: Pest control professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to effectively handle termite infestations. They understand termite behavior, nesting habits, and treatment options. Their expertise ensures a thorough inspection, targeted treatment, and ongoing prevention strategies tailored to the specific needs of the property.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that your home is protected against subterranean termites can provide peace of mind. Pest control services provide regular monitoring, preventive measures, and timely treatment, reducing the risk of termite damage and the associated stress and financial burden.

Insurance and Real Estate Considerations: Some insurance policies do not cover termite damage. However, maintaining a termite protection plan through pest control services can help demonstrate proactive measures, which may be beneficial when dealing with insurance claims or during real estate transactions.

Subterranean termites pose a significant threat to homes and structures, and their presence should not be taken lightly. Engaging professional pest control services ensures comprehensive termite management, early detection, and effective treatment. By investing in regular pest control, homeowners can protect their most valuable asset and enjoy a termite-free living environment.

Raptor vs Jays

Red Shoulder Hawk flying away

Sounds like a sporting event and I guess sorta is.  I’m not a full fledge birder but I believe this is what is happening… These Blue Jays are defending their tree that contains a hollow and their nest inside against this Red-shoulder Hawk.  Blue Jays can imitate the calls of Red-shoulder Hawks to scare away other birds which can be noticed when visiting bird feeders.  

Keep Mice Out Of Your Shed

Keep mice out of your shed

Your shed is more than just a storage space. It houses your valuable tools, gardening equipment, and cherished belongings. However, one tiny intruder, such as a mouse, can quickly turn your shed into a haven for pests. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of keeping mice out of your shed and how hiring a professional pest control company can help you maintain a pest-free environment.


Protect Your Belongings:

Mice may seem harmless, but they can cause extensive damage to your shed and its contents. These furry critters have a knack for chewing through wires, insulation, and even wooden structures. By keeping mice out of your shed, you safeguard your belongings from costly repairs or replacements.


Prevent Health Risks:

Mice are carriers of various diseases and pathogens that can pose serious health risks to you and your family. Their droppings and urine can contaminate surfaces and the air, potentially leading to respiratory issues and allergies. By taking proactive measures to keep mice away from your shed, you reduce the risk of these health hazards.


Avoid Structural Damage:

As mentioned earlier, mice are notorious chewers. They can gnaw through insulation, cardboard, and other materials, compromising the structural integrity of your shed. Over time, this damage can weaken the shed’s foundation, making it more susceptible to water leaks, rot, and collapse. By ensuring a mouse-free environment, you preserve the longevity of your shed.


Maintain Neatness and Organization:

A shed infested with mice can quickly become cluttered and chaotic. These critters tend to nest in piles of debris, creating a mess and making it difficult to access your belongings. By keeping mice out, you promote a clean and organized shed, allowing for easier navigation and better storage of your items.


Professional Pest Control Services:

Hiring a reputable pest control company can be a game-changer in your battle against mice infestations. These professionals have the expertise, knowledge, and tools to effectively eliminate mice and prevent their return. They can conduct thorough inspections, identify potential entry points, and implement tailored solutions to keep your shed pest-free.


Customized Prevention Strategies:

Pest control experts don’t just eliminate existing infestations; they also develop personalized prevention strategies. They may recommend sealing cracks and gaps, installing rodent-proof barriers, or implementing bait stations to deter mice from entering your shed. These preventive measures ensure long-term protection and peace of mind.


Your shed is a valuable asset, and keeping it free from mice is essential for maintaining its integrity and functionality. By hiring a professional pest control company, you can address existing infestations, prevent future problems, and enjoy a clean, organized, and pest-free shed. Don’t let mice undermine the safety and functionality of your storage space—take action today and protect your shed from these unwanted intruders.

Snake in Your Basement? Why You Should Call a Pest Control Company

Eastern Milk Snake

Discovering a snake slithering in your basement can be an alarming and unsettling experience. While most snakes are harmless, it’s essential to handle the situation with caution and seek professional assistance. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why contacting a pest control company is the best step to take when encountering a snake in your basement.

Safety First:
When faced with a snake, it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and that of your family. Without proper knowledge and experience, it can be challenging to identify whether the snake is venomous or not. By contacting a pest control company, you ensure that trained professionals handle the situation safely and effectively.

Accurate Identification:
Differentiating between venomous and non-venomous snakes can be challenging for the average person. Pest control experts possess the expertise to accurately identify the snake species and determine the appropriate course of action. This knowledge allows them to take the necessary precautions and implement the most effective removal strategies.

Minimize Risk:
Even non-venomous snakes can become defensive and bite if they feel threatened. Attempting to capture or remove a snake without proper training increases the risk of bites or injuries. By relying on a pest control company, you minimize these risks and ensure that the snake is safely and efficiently handled.

Prevent Future Encounters:
A pest control company not only removes the snake from your basement but also addresses the underlying factors that attracted the snake in the first place. They can inspect your property for potential entry points, such as cracks or gaps, and recommend preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of future snake encounters.

Professional Expertise and Equipment:
Pest control professionals have the necessary knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to handle snake removal effectively. They are equipped with snake handling tools that allow them to capture and remove the snake safely without causing harm to the reptile or the inhabitants of your home.

Peace of Mind:
Dealing with a snake in your basement can be a stressful experience. By entrusting the situation to a pest control company, you can alleviate your worries and have peace of mind knowing that experts are taking care of the problem. They will handle the situation promptly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life without unnecessary stress.

Encountering a snake in your basement can be an unnerving experience, but the best course of action is to call a pest control company. Their expertise, training, and specialized equipment ensure the safe removal of the snake from your premises. Moreover, they can identify potential entry points and provide recommendations to prevent future snake encounters. Don’t take unnecessary risks—reach out to a professional pest control company when dealing with a snake in your basement and let them handle the situation with expertise and care.


Give us a call today if you are experience problems with snakes in or around your home.