The Importance of Installing Door Sweeps

Gap under door

When it comes to keeping pests out of your home or business, small measures can make a big difference. One often-overlooked yet highly effective method is the installation of door sweeps. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of door sweeps and how they serve as a valuable line of defense against unwanted pests.

Sealing Potential Entry Points:
Doors, particularly those with gaps at the bottom, can provide easy access for pests such as rodents, insects, and even snakes. Door sweeps act as a barrier, sealing off this vulnerable area and preventing pests from infiltrating your space. By closing off potential entry points, you significantly reduce the likelihood of infestations.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency:
In addition to pest prevention, door sweeps contribute to energy efficiency. The gaps beneath doors can allow drafts to enter, leading to temperature fluctuations and increased energy consumption. By sealing these gaps with door sweeps, you create a better seal, reducing energy loss and lowering utility costs.

Deterrence of Crawling Insects:
Certain types of pests, such as cockroaches, ants, and spiders, are adept at squeezing through even the tiniest cracks and crevices. Installing door sweeps blocks their path, making it more difficult for them to enter your home or business. By denying them entry, you can minimize the risk of infestations and the associated health concerns.

Rodent Exclusion:
Rodents, such as mice and rats, are notorious for finding their way indoors through small openings. A door sweep acts as a physical barrier that hinders their ability to enter. By implementing this simple measure, you protect your property from the damage, contamination, and health risks associated with rodent infestations.

Maintenance of Cleanliness:
Pests can bring dirt, allergens, and disease-causing pathogens into your home or business. By installing door sweeps, you create an additional layer of defense, helping to maintain a cleaner and healthier environment. It becomes easier to keep pests and the associated mess outside, reducing the need for extensive cleaning efforts.

Ease of Installation and Cost-Effectiveness:
Installing door sweeps is a relatively simple and affordable process. They are available in various styles and materials to suit different types of doors. Whether you choose adhesive or screw-on sweeps, the installation can typically be done quickly and easily, providing an immediate improvement to your pest prevention efforts.

Preventing pests from entering your home or business is a proactive step towards maintaining a clean, comfortable, and healthy environment. Installing door sweeps is an effective and affordable method to seal potential entry points, deter crawling insects, exclude rodents, enhance energy efficiency, and promote cleanliness. By investing in this simple measure, you fortify your defense against unwanted pests, ensuring peace of mind for you, your family, or your customers. Take action today and install door sweeps to create a powerful barrier against pests and enjoy the benefits of a pest-free space.

Give us a call to install pest-proof door sweeps to your home or business.

Fixing gaps to prevent mice…

gap in foundation

Gaps like this one around a dryer vent hose in the basement need to be sealed properly to prevent mice from entering the structure. This gap is so large you can feel a heavy air current coming thru the foundation. This is the first step to preventing your home from getting infested with mice or other pests. Exclusion for mice is a service we offer and works well when paired with a rodent maintenance plan. Call or go online today to schedule a no charge general pest inspection.

Mouse Prevention

Gap around door

The best defense is a good offense and the same applies to mouse prevention. Gaps around doors, pipes, electrical wires, vents and other structural penetrations are the reasons why mice get inside. It is best practice to seal up these gaps to prevent initial entry. This includes replacing garage door seals and weatherstripping around windows and doors. It’s not always easy to identify exactly how a rodent is getting inside your home. It might not even be possible in some cases but the first place to start is with obvious points of entry and go from there. Part of our rodent services is to inspect and identify these. We can also put together a quote to seal them up for you. Rodents create all sorts of problems once inside so be sure to prevent their entry where ever possible.